Changes to membership applications and renewals for 2025
The British Riding Clubs (BRC) office introduced a new online membership system using, in 2024.
What it means for you as a member is that:
- it will only be possible to become a riding club member and a member of Cumbria Riding Club through this system. Cumbria Riding Club can no longer accept the old membership forms and payment by BACs, cheque or cash
- renewal will be annual rather than from the 1st January ie: if you join on 1st May 2024 your renewal date will be 30th April 2025
- you will be asked to set up payment through a Stripe account for which there is a £1.50 charge
-you can auto-renew (by pressing the auto-renew button when you join on line), which simply takes the headache away from you remembering to renew your membership annually. We would encourage you all to take this option.
- BRC office also send reminders out to you at least a week propir to your membeship expiring.
Membership fee for 2025 is £40.
Reminder: in order to undertake training and competitions organised by CRC at CRC prices you need to be a member of CRC or another riding club affiliated to the British Riding Club office.
Below are a number of support documents which will help you renew or join Cumbria Riding Club using this online system. I would advise that you look at them before you start.
Becoming a new member of Cumbria Riding Club:
Copy and paste this link and you should be taken directly to the Cumbria Riding Club membership page.
Please read the support document below on Registering as a New Member before you start as this will guide you through the process step by step.
If anyone has any queries relating to membership, please contact us through the CRC facebook page or via the CRC email address:
We will try to get you through the issue you are experiencing.
note: Please ensure that you follow the process right to the end. although not complicated, there are a number of steps to take and if one is missed your membership will not be confirmed. You will receive an email confirming that you are afully paid up member of BRC and CRC so if you don't receive this please check you have completed the process fully and your SPAM.
We also use Facebook and Messenger as a means of communication about traning clinics, competitions and times etc. It is, therefore useful if you follow us on Facebook and regularly check our pages.
Thank you for becoming a member of our club or renewing your existing membership. We very much value your support. We look forwards to seeing you all at our training sessions and competitions in 2025. Have a great season and lots of fun everyone.
Please click on the documents below to read our Privacy Policy and Consitution